Liu Bei dreamed of losing his `right arm`, Cao Cao dreamed of Cao Wei's destruction, it turned out the nightmare had come true 1Liu Bei dreamed of losing his `right arm`, Cao Cao dreamed of Cao Wei's destruction, it turned out the nightmare had come true 1

The three “bosses” of these three territories, respectively Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Quan, were the most outstanding politicians during this period.

Liu Bei, Sun Quan and Cao Cao were the three monarchs who headed Shu Han, Eastern Wu and Cao Wei respectively.

So, what is special about the dreams of these monarchs?

Dreaming is a normal human phenomenon.

Coincidentally, Cao Cao and Liu Bei had prophetic dreams and they seemed to come true.

During the campaign against Tay Xuyen, with the support of military strategist Bang Thong, this monarch won many victories when taking over districts from Liu Chuong and capturing Ich Chau, the foundation of the Shu dynasty’s fortune.

Liu Bei dreamed of losing his `right arm`, Cao Cao dreamed of Cao Wei's destruction, it turned out the nightmare had come true

Cao Cao and Liu Bei had nightmares and the strange thing was that they seemed to come true.

Did the dream come true, causing Liu Bei to suffer great losses?

Liu Bei dreamed of losing his `right arm`, Cao Cao dreamed of Cao Wei's destruction, it turned out the nightmare had come true

Liu Bei had a nightmare of being beaten on his right arm.

According to Romance of the Three Kingdoms, during the Tay Xuyen campaign, one night, Liu Bei dreamed of a god holding an iron rod and hitting his right arm.

When Bang Thong heard this, he laughed loudly and replied that leading soldiers into battle inevitably caused casualties, so Liu Bei had no need to worry about dreams.

Liu Bei dreamed of losing his `right arm`, Cao Cao dreamed of Cao Wei's destruction, it turned out the nightmare had come true

Bang Tong’s death in battle was a big loss for Liu Bei and Shu Han.

Bang Thong’s death caused a series of chain reactions and posed a great danger to Liu Bei’s career.

After that, Quan Vu carelessly lost Kinh Chau to the Dong Ngo army.

Liu Bei dreamed of losing his `right arm`, Cao Cao dreamed of Cao Wei's destruction, it turned out the nightmare had come true

The heavy defeat at Di Lang caused Liu Bei to become seriously ill and soon died in Bach De citadel.

The sudden death of Guan Yu and the loss of important lands like Kinh Chau directly triggered the general attack on Dong Ngo.

According to historians, it is clear that if Bang Thong had not died early and he and Zhuge Liang were each military advisors in Ich Chau and Kinh Chau, the situation of the Three Kingdoms would certainly have been different.

Liu Bei dreamed of losing his `right arm`, Cao Cao dreamed of Cao Wei's destruction, it turned out the nightmare had come true

Cao Cao dreamed of three horses feeding from the same trough.

Cao Cao is famous for being a talented politician and a talented military leader.

After much thought, Cao Cao suspected the Sima family, headed by Sima Yi, who was talented but this monarch was always wary.

Sima Yi spent his entire life patiently biding his time, serving three generations of the Cao family, and finally carried out a spectacular overthrow in 249.

Thinking that the above dream was a bad omen, Cao Cao called his son Cao Pi and reminded him: `Sima Yi was originally a person who did not accept being a servant, and in the future he will definitely get involved in the great affairs of the Cao family.`

Unfortunately, at that time, Cao Pi trusted Sima Yi very much and did not carefully remember his father’s warning.

Cao Cao chose to spare Sima Yi’s life but did not expect this to be the wrong decision.

But perhaps even Cao Cao could not have imagined that the choice to spare Sima Yi’s life at that time would be a disaster for Cao Wei later.

Just like Cao Cao’s nightmare, the image of `the three horses are really bad` seems to coincide with the father and son of the Sima family, Sima Yi, Sima Su and Sima Zhao.

Article reference sources: Sohu, Baidu

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By Hannah

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