What is Marvel planning with Hulk's son who 'fell from the sky'? 4What is Marvel planning with Hulk's son who 'fell from the sky'? 4

The She-Hulk series closes in a more “She-Hulk” way, with the biggest “fourth wall breaking” Marvel Studios has ever done.

However, amidst the chaos that Marvel brought to this episode, we can still pick out a few extremely serious and valuable details for the future of the MCU.

So with the appearance of Skaar, what future projects can Marvel bring?

Planet Hulk

Planet Hulk will tell the story of Hulk drifting to the planet Sakaar – Photo: Marvel.

Planet Hulk is a story line belonging to Greg Park’s The Incredible Hulk series, released between 2006 and 2007. In this story line, the Hulk is expelled from Earth by the Illuminati and drifts to the distant planet Sakaar.

MCU has adapted part of the content of the Planet Hulk story line in the blockbuster Thor: Ragnarok.

However, Skaar’s appearance in the final episode of She-Hulk opens the door for them to go back in time and make a movie revolving around Bruce’s adventures in Sakaar, after the events of Avengers: Age of

World War Hulk(s)

What is Marvel planning with Hulk's son who 'fell from the sky'?

World War Hulk will reveal the scariest version of the Green Giant – Photo: Marvel.

Continuing the Planet Hulk story line, after Caiera’s death, Hulk decided to return to Earth to take revenge on the Illuminati for banishing him.

However, in the MCU, Hulk accepted a compromise with Bruce to create a gentler Smart Hulk with better emotional control.

On the other hand, when we add a small `s` to `World War Hulk`, we will come to a completely different story line.

Son of Hulk

What is Marvel planning with Hulk's son who 'fell from the sky'?

Son of Hulk will focus on exploiting Skaar’s background and strength – Photo: Marvel.

In the comics, Skaar’s journey begins after the events of Planet Hulk and World War Hulk.

A notable point is that compared to the original, the on-screen version of Skaar is somewhat gentler and calmer, or at least that is the first impression this character gives.

Young Avengers

What is Marvel planning with Hulk's son who 'fell from the sky'?

Marvel Studios is gradually building the Young Avengers, and Skaar could absolutely be a member of this team – Photo: Marvel.

Since the MCU entered phase 4, Marvel has made no secret of its intention to bring Young Avengers to the screen in the near future.

In the original work, Hulkling is not a superhero infected with Gamma radiation, but is actually a hybrid between the Skrull and Kree races.

However, currently, Marvel Studios has not yet exploited or `teased` Hulkling’s existence in the MCU.

Dark Avengers

What is Marvel planning with Hulk's son who 'fell from the sky'?

Skaar may become an anti-hero in the Marvel cinematic universe – Photo: Marvel.

In the comics, Skaar was an official member of the Dark Avengers, founded by Norman Osborn after the Secret Invasion event, and often sought to harm and tarnish the reputation of the original Avengers team.

Currently, Marvel Studios only has plans for a single anti-hero team – the Thunderbolts.

As mentioned above, it is still too early to confirm with certainty any ideas that Marvel is harboring for Skaar.

Source: Marvel, Screen Rant

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By Jackson

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