Why is the bed of the Chinese Emperor in the movie 'Palace Fighting' only 1 meter wide? 3Why is the bed of the Chinese Emperor in the movie 'Palace Fighting' only 1 meter wide? 3

The content of these films revolves around the battle of concubines to win the king’s favor.

And what makes fans of palace fighting movies wonder is why the Chinese Emperor lives in the Forbidden City, which has a large scale of up to 72 hectares with 800 palaces of different sizes but only lies on an extremely narrow bed.

Compared to today, this size is quite narrow, not even providing comfortable sleep, but the strange thing is that in ancient times, not only the emperor but also the queen and concubines used such a bed.

The beds of Chinese Emperors were often very small and narrow.

Wishing for longevity

The ancients attached great importance to longevity, and many emperors also yearned for a life of ”immortality”.

In addition to searching for the `elixir of life`, they also have many h

Suitable for room area

In feudal times, the ancients considered building a house to be a big deal, directly affecting the homeowner.

For Chinese people, a bedroom that is too large can easily lead to unexpected disasters.

Why is the bed of the Chinese Emperor in the movie 'Palace Fighting' only 1 meter wide?

The bed design is small in size to fit the room area in the palace.

Therefore, in the royal palace, the rooms, especially the king’s palace, are mostly designed to be the lowest and narrowest.

Besides, the rooms in the palace are often built of wood.

Based on the number of concubines in the palace

The Chinese emperor owned a harem with thousands of beautiful concubines.

Why is the bed of the Chinese Emperor in the movie 'Palace Fighting' only 1 meter wide?

The court built rooms with small areas because of the large number of concubines in the palace.

According to royal regulations, if assigned to be an imperial concubine, concubines will be taken to the emperor’s palace.

That’s why even though the Chinese Emperors lived a luxurious life, their beds were only about 1 meter wide.

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By Jackson

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